I have lost approx 10 inches off my waist line.
My name is Terry Somos. I am 38 years old. Three months ago I weighed 239 pounds. First and foremost in my letter I would like to thank you for giving me the motivation to loose 51 pounds. And approx. 10 inches off my waist line. I was a size 42 waist and now a size 32 waist.
This was done by working out on the Gazelle and Tony’s Target Training Video Volume three. The Gazelle and Target Training are done for six days a week; with this work out I was also dieting.
At the start I only used the Gazelle and worked my way up the different levels. Through the use of the Gazelle I noticed inches and weight loss, which motivated me to start the Target Training to refine my body.
Once again I would like to THANK YOU Tony!
Terry -Ontario