Lost ten pounds in sixteen days and still losing.
June 23, 2007
Dear Tony:
My problems were very diverse before I began using my Gazelle. Thanks to my Gazelle I have been able to exercise with low impact a knee that I seriously injured in a car accident. The knee would hurt and swell. As a result I gained some undesired weight. I might mention that I was also dependent upon medication for blood sugar. I needed to control it with diet and exercise. Again, my Gazelle has been of great benefit.
In twenty-two days, I lost 10 pounds of weight and 3 inches in size over-all. I’m not stopping with my present status and intend to keep on working out with my Gazelle and expect future progress to be even more exciting.
I have owned a Bow flex since 2005 but do not use it regularly, maybe four or five times a month.
I have had difficulty loosing weight since my car accident but my Gazelle saved the day. I use a special formula to do my calorie counting as well, but for my exercise I depend totally upon my Gazelle to really help me.
So, all a person has to do is approx. 30 minutes per day on the Gazelle and monitor their caloric intake. It is so simple, at least for me.
Thanks to my Gazelle; I am now able to enjoy an effort-less and painless work out!
Missi - Tennessee