Now I can walk and I've lost weight.
Newfoundland, Canada
Dear Tony:
Thank you so much for responding to my recent letter and requesting additional photos. I was tickled pink! To say the least. Here is what I want to relate to you.
I was living very happily in Alberta a province west of here decided to go for a long weekend drive with my boy friend. He fell asleep at the wheel and I woke up two months later. My family and I were told that if I ever walked again I would take ten years to make my first step. Well, I was very verbal in my response to that!
Then, they told me to forget dieting and trying to lose the fat I had accumulated. When my memory started to return I remembered what I looked like. Then, I wouldn’t look in a mirror. It was that bad to me!
My physio-therapist and my neuron-surgeon told me to forget exercising and dieting all together, but I found one doctor who would give me permission if I did it safely and if he could keep a close eye on me.
The rest as they say is history. I went for a walk yesterday and my pedometer read 7.39 miles when I finished.
Don’t worry, I don’t over do it. The doctors also informed me that I would have to learn to write with my left hand. You can imagine my reply for as I said in my previous letter, I am one stubborn person.
I used the Tony Little Target Training and Fat Free Videos and the motivation that you show. Look at the two pictures of me and know that in my eyes and I know there must be countless more there is only one person better than you and we all answer to him. My message to everyone is: I conceived, I believed and I achieved.
Your #1 FAN
Delores – Newfoundland - Canada