Lost 200 pounds
New York
Dear Tony Little,
I once weighed over 400 lb. I had tried many weight loss diets and exercise programs, none of which worked. I only became more frustrated. Mr. Little, as you can see from my pictures this was going to be a hard road ahead. I needed determination, willpower, positive thinking and help and that is what you gave me.
Only after purchasing and using your exercise programs did I begin to see results without injury or pain. Only while using your exercise program combined with my new diet did I begin to lose weight and knew that there was hope and health ahead.
I lost over 200 lbs. in 10 months. I did not use any other exercise program, for nothing else worked at all. I am now 205 lbs. and have maintained this weight for three years, using your exercise program. I am 6' 2", I am firm, I am happy, energetic and more important, I am healthy. I am living proof that your tape works. Till this day I still use this tape.
Thank you,