Lost 30 pounds on Tony Little "Target Training" program.
September 3, 1995
Dear Carrie:
RE: Tony Little Products
I spoke to you the telephone on Friday, August 25th concerning whether I could find a Before photo to go with the After one I sent you earlier in the summer.
As I mentioned during our conversation, before I started on Tony Little’s Target Training tapes two years ago and lost 30 pounds, I was very reluctant to let anyone take my picture.
It was so hard to find a Before shot. The best I could find was one with me and my wife. I cropped my image only, and have enclosed it. I hope it will help.
Thanks for your interest. I am a big fan of Tony’s and his tapes. I am convinced they can work for anyone with determination and commitment. Please encourage everyone who calls you to HANG IN THERE -- IT WORKS!!!!