Returns & Replacement
30-day Satisfaction Guarantee
Tony Little stands by every product we sell and we want you to be completely satisfied with the purchase you make. If any Tony Little purchase does not meet your expectations, you may return the item within 30 days from the date of order for a refund (excluding original shipping charges). You are responsible for the cost of the return shipping charges unless the return is a result of our error or you are returning a defective product.
CD's or DVD’s that have been opened can be returned for a partial refund of 50% (excluding shipping). Returns will not be accepted after 30 days of the order date. CD's or DVD's can be exchanged if unopened. Customer will pay for shipping to return the item. In addition, customer will authorize to bill for additional shipping costs as well as any difference in pricing between products.
If you want to return a product please send an email to in**@to********.com and instructions will be sent.
Time Limit | 30 Days from order date |
Receipt Required | Yes |
Refund / Exchange | Refund only - new order needs to be placed on exchanges except for CD/DVD's |
Original Packaging Required | Yes |
Conditions | Include all accessories, parts, and pieces |
- When doing return shipping properly package merchandise.
- Ship the package back using the carrier of your choice. Please insure your package in case of loss or damage.
- Once merchandise has been received we will refund the monies (excluding original shipping charges).
- Please note: When returning via the standard return label, we encourage you to protect yourself from loss or theft by insuring the return shipment. Please save the receipt until you receive your refund or exchange. We regret that we will not be able to issue a credit or refund for any items that are damaged or lost in shipping. NOTE: Return shipping costs for items shipped directly from the manufacturer may vary.
- Returns are to be sent to: Positive Lifestyle International, Attn: TL.Com Returns, 12745 91st Ave Seminole, FL. 33776